Dallas Avionics to distribute Astronics Freedom line of products
Aircraft electronic distribution company Dallas Avionics has signed a contract with Aviation technology supplier Astronics that will allow Dallas Avionics to sell the Freedom Line of test equipment to the US Federal Government market
Astronics representative Ed Mick explained that Dallas Avionics has the ‘extensive expertise with test equipment’ necessary to sell the product. He added: “Having Dallas Avionics distributing our products is a value add to customers. The company not only knows and understands test equipment, but also has a deep-rooted understanding of the industry. Its strong reputation working with government agencies, commitment to customer service, and strategically located teams across North America are real wins for us.”
The Freedom line of products includes the R8100, R8000, R8600, and R9000. Both the R8000 and R8100 support every major Land Mobile Radio (LMR) protocol. They are capable of testing P25 Phase 1 and Phase 2 radios.
“We want the test equipment we distribute to be versatile, user-friendly, and proven in the field,” said Dallas Avionics Vice-President of Sales Scott Davis. “The Astronics Freedom line of products accomplishes all of that, and Astronics offers six decades of proven reliability. We not only sell a lot of aircraft radios and components, but also sell the equipment to test radios and keep them operating for a longer period. Taking care of customers’ investments is critical. That is a core value we share with Astronics.”